Tuesday, September 2, 2008

on oprah winfrey's show i saw this episode talking about the law of attraction
people wrote on a piece of paper 3 things that they wanted most to happen in their lives
and after some time, some of these things came true

if you are reading this, i urge you to write on a piece of paper for me, jeffery chew, to get well and recover from cancer. put this piece of paper in your wallet or even better, put it some where that you can see it every day
the more you hope for it, on my behalf, i think my chances are better
you can even ask people who dont know me to do it, if you dont think that it's dumb

also, do not forget to show care and concern for me, not just once nor twice nor thrice, but as often as you can, all these little things help

everyday i get my sister to talk to my liver, hoping that it'll be good and perform some kind of miracle


Anonymous said...

i wrote one and sticked it on my wall...

J said...

thank you zhang shuo, big kiss for you

Anonymous said...

jeffery chew, to get well and recover from cancer.
Come on, get well, man!